WAIKOLOA, Hawaii—The Big Island played host to the 55th Annual ILWU Statewide Golf Tournament on August 30 and 31, 2008. Tournament committee members Wally Ishibashi Jr., Corinna Salmo, and Cassius Ching worked hard to make the tournament—which was held at the Waikoloa Beach Course—a success for all participating ILWU members and guests. If you like golf and would be interested in playing in next year’s tournament, call your Division or Business Agent. The tournament is always held on Labor Day weekend.

Hawaii Division’s Suzanne Tamashiro (left, with Division Sports co-coordinator Wally Ishibashi Jr.) was the top Women’s Flight winner, taking both the Overall Low Gross with a two round total of 189 and Overall Low Net with 145.

Hawaii Division also swept the Men’s Category with winner Michael Dela Cruz’s Overall Low Gross score of 163 and Overall Low Net score of 131. Dela Cruz accepts his trophy from Division Sports Co-coordinator Corinna Salmo.
2008 Bouslog Scholars
Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Harriet Bouslog labor scholarships.
Catherine A. Bala, a graduate of Honokaa High School, will be attending University of Hawaii-Hilo. Catherine is the daughter of Roseller who is an ILWU member at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel and Editha Bala.
Kapeka S. Estrada, a graduate of Hilo High School, will be attending the UH-Hilo. Kapeka is the daughter of Felix Estrada who is an ILWU member at HITCO.
Brice Murayama, a graduate of Kamehameha Schools Maui, will be attending the UH-Hilo. Brice is the son of Glenn, who works for Maui Pine, and Roxanne Murayama.
Jasper-Louise Rivera, a graduate of Baldwin High School, will be attending the University of HawaiiManoa. She is the daughter of Lourdes, who works at the Westin Maui Hotel, and Gaspar Rivera.
Kele-Jo K. DeMello, a graduate of Lahainaluna High School, will be attending the UH-Hilo. She is the daughter of Jerrybeth, who is a Maui Division business agent, and Ronald DeMello.
The scholarships come from the generosity of the late Harriet Bouslog, an attorney who worked with the ILWU from 1944 to 1978. Harriet started the scholarship because of her affinity to the union and her desire that ILWU children would have a chance at a college education. The scholarship is limited to those who are attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa or Hilo (not community colleges or other universities) because she wanted to support and promote the four-year state university program in Hawaii. Harriet has a similar scholarship in her name at Indiana University, her alma mater. More than 150 students have been awarded the scholarship. Among them are those who have become lawyers, university professors, nurses, engineers, etc.
Bouslog sold some of her real estate investments to start a trust which funds the annual scholarships.
The scholarships pay as much as $8,000 in tuition over 4 years at the University of Hawaii at Manoa or Hilo. Since the program began in 1989 (19 years ago), it has supported the education of over 150 ILWU children with close to $1 million. The scholarship is open to high school seniors who have a parent or grandparent who is an active or retired member of the ILWU. For more information or an application, call your ILWU Division office. Hawaii - Hilo 935-3727 or Waimea 885-6136; Maui Division - 244-9191; Kauai Division - 245-3374; Oahu Division - 949-4161.

Longshore members Del Beazley (left) and Jesus Salud (second from left) pictured here with KGMB staff, star in a 15 second commercial on Channel 9. The commercial will run 102 times until the General Election. “Unions have given workers many basic benefits we take for granted today. But these things came about only because working people like you took a stand,” says Beazley. Adds Jesus, “You can do your part. Get involved in your workplace and your community. Join a union. And vote.”
TWIC delayed, but still required
The U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has delayed the final compliance date for the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program to April 15, 2009.
Honolulu is tentatively scheduled for compliance on February 12, 2009. Compliance dates for Neighbor Island ports are yet to be determined. However, the Coast Guard plans to give a 90 day notice as soon as compliance dates are confirmed.
Members who need TWIC cards should apply well before this deadline. You can pre-apply online at http://twicinformation.tsa.dhs.gov/ twicinfo/ or call 1-866-347-8942.
If your application is denied, you have the right to apply for a waiver or appeal the decision.
All workers who require unescorted access to secure areas of ports and vessels are required to go through a security screening and obtain a TWIC card.
It is estimated that more than one million workers including longshoremen, truckers, port employees and others will be required to obtain a TWIC.