This issue of the Voice of the ILWU is your official notice of the 2009 ILWU Local 142 Election. It contains the positions and candidates who will appear on the ballot and the dates, times and locations of voting for your unit. This issue also contains statements and photographs submitted by candidates.
The dates, times and locations of voting for your unit are listed separately by division—Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu—and sorted by unit number. Look up your unit number or company name and take note of the dates, times, and locations indicated for your unit.
For most members, THERE WILL BE NO OTHER OFFICIAL NOTICE OF THIS ELECTION. Some units may post this notice on their union bulletin boards, but this is not required for all units. In a few cases, 400 meet in 25th ILWU Local 142 Convention where there is an error or change in this notice, members may receive an updated notice in the mail. However, for all other members, this will be your only notice of this election.
Candidate statements
All candidates in the upcoming ILWU Local 142 elections had the equal opportunity to submit a photograph and statement which would be printed in this issue of the VOICE of the ILWU. The deadline for submission was 4:00 pm, September 30, 2009.
The statements were limited to 200 words and those statements longer than 200 words were cut to the last complete sentence.
Otherwise, the content of the statements are printed exactly as received, with no editing for spelling, punctuation, or grammar.
All attempts were made to preserve the physical appearance of the original statements—capitalized words, underlining, boldfacing, italicizing, and centering of text were maintained. However, all statements are printed with the same fonts and font size, except where limited space required a smaller font size.
Some candidates did not submit a statement or photo. Their names are printed and we indicate that they did not submit a photo or statement by the deadline above.
Elections Committee
The Elections Committee of ILWU Local 142 is made up of one representative from each Division. The current members are Earl Totten from Oahu, Eli Miura from Hawaii, Herbert Kekuawela and Clayton Carvalho from Kauai, and Star Medeiros from Maui

Over 360 ILWU Local 142 members met in Convention from September 15-18, 2009, to make policy, approve programs, and set the direction of the union for the next three years. All actions of the Convention must be reported to the membership and approved by a majority vote.
400 meet in 25th ILWU Local 142 Convention
ILWU democracy puts the members in charge of their union. They do this by meeting in Convention to decide the policies and programs of the union, set the finances and budget, and make all other rules which govern the union. The Convention is the highest governing body of the union. It is held once every three years in the month of September.
This was the 25th Convention and it was held from September 15-18, 2009, at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel in Waikiki, Honolulu. Approximately 367 rank and file members from ILWU units throughout the State of Hawaii attended the Convention. About 39 fraternal delegates (retirees) and guests from Mainland ILWU locals and elsewhere were also in attendance for a total of 406 participants. Maui Division sent the largest group with 95 participants, followed by Oahu with 90, then Hawaii with 67, and Kauai with 35 participants.
The theme of the Convention was “Unity, Equality, and Rank & File Democracy.”
The work of the Convention took four days of meetings and discussions to complete. On the first day, delegates worked in one of four committees: Constitution; Officers’ Report, Organizing, and Resolutions; Contract Administration; and Programs, which included membership services, publicity, education, and political action.
On the second day, the Convention adopted 14 constitutional amendments and a budget for the next three years. One amendment to the ILWU Constitution creates a longshore division within Local 142 and another amendment increases dues from 2.0% to 2.5% to help the union get through a financial crisis.
On the third day, delegates approved reports on the work of the union and adopted resolutions. On the fourth and last day, delegates nominated the candidates for the three top officers of the union and the industrial grouping members of the local executive board. Isaac Fiesta, Jr. and Jason Medeiros were nominated for the office of Local President; Donna Domingo was nominated as Local Vice President; and Guy Fujimura was nominated as Local Secretary-Treasurer.
President Fred Galdones did not run for re-election as he will retire at the end of this year. Kauai Division Director Clayton Dela Cruz will also retire this year. Resolutions honoring the two ILWU leaders were adopted by the Convention.
The actions of the Convention must be submitted to the membership of the union for their approval.
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